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Frequently Asked Questions about Long Distance
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Frequently Asked Toll Free Questions     

Below are the most commonly asked questions regarding Toll Free numbers. If you have further questions, feel free to email us at: support@conquestech.com

Question: Are there any monthly fees?
Answer: There are no monthly fees for toll free number(s).

Question: What will I be charged if someone calls in to my toll free number(s)?
Answer: You will be charged the same rate plan as your long distance. The only exception being that if the originating call is from a hotel or payphone then there is a .29 Cent surcharge per call, in addition to the normal rate per minute charge. These charges will appear on your monthly bill.

Question: How can I request a new Toll free number(s)?
Answer: To make the request you will need to provide your name and /or Conquest Technologies account number and the number you would like the (TF) toll free number to ring into. New toll free numbers are only issued once your long distance has been confirmed with Conquest Technologies Communications.
Email your Tollfree request to: tollfree@conquesttech.com

Question: How long will my Toll free request take?
Answer: Issuing of a new toll free number can take up to 72 hours for a response. Once the toll free has been issued, it can take up to 48 hours for the toll free number to become active.

Question: I currently have an existing toll free number(s) with another provider. Is it possible to move this number to your service?
Answer: Yes, that is called Porting. You will need to complete a Letter of Authority (download below). This authorizes Conquest Technologies to port your toll free number(s) over to Conquest Technologies. Once the LOA is completed, it must be signed by the owner of the toll free number(s). Then we can begin the port process. The LOA will need to be faxed to us at 800-329-7424 with a recent bill copy (no older than 60 days) showing the following:

  • Billing address (for the toll free number)
  • * Usage of the toll free number(s)

* If you cannot submit a bill page showing the Toll Free usage, we can still process your LOA using the billing address but, this can make the process take a few days longer.

Question: How long does it take to complete a port?
Answer: Normally a port will take 5-7 business days from the date the LOA was submitted. You will be notified when the port is completed or if there is a problem with the port process.

Question: Why would my toll free number(s) not complete within 5-7 business days?
Answer: Below is a list of common reasons for delays or rejections of an LOA:

  • Name mismatch:(if the LOA is submitted with a contact name but the bill is in the business name).
  • Contact mismatch/unauthorized signature:(this would be if the contact person and the signature on the acct. are different. The owner of the toll free number should be the person signing the LOA always).
  • UBR:(unsatisfied billing relations) this could mean that at the time you submitted your LOA form to us, your current charges or past due charges were not paid to the carrier and will be subject to reject for this reason. Once the bill is made current then your LOA can be resubmitted and the port process starts back to 5-7 business days to complete.
  • Non-Portable Number: This usually means that the toll free number is associated with pin numbers and those toll free numbers cannot be ported over to Conquest Technologies. Those numbers are usually owned by the business that issued it.

Question: Can the ring-to-number (RTN) be changed?
Answer: Yes, the (RTN) can be changed simply by submitting your request to: tollfree@conquesttech.com (please remember to include your new RTN). The new RTN should be a number that is listed on your account. If not an explanation will be needed as to where the toll free will ring (Example: Fax, cell, distinctive ring, etc).

Question: How long does a ring-to-number (RTN) change take before it will be effective?
Answer: Usually within 24 hours as long as the ring-to-number is in the same service area. However if the (RTN) is in a different service area, we may need to move the (TFN) to one of our underlying carriers. This will be considered a porting procedure and a LOA form will need to be submitted. *(see porting procedures above.)

If you have further questions, feel free to email us at: tollfree@conquesttech.com